
When it comes to reviews, is a true expert! Our custom papers are authentic and original. Every paper is written individually for a customer. This is why if you need to write a review, you have come to the right place.

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A general rule of review writing is your subjective understanding of a book read, play watched, or music heard. Teachers assign review writing to teach you interpret and express your impressions, organize thoughts and give feedback. Below are the few types of commonly assigned reviews.

Your personal response to a piece of art is called an ART REVIEW. The most important thing in an art review is the comprehension of a painting or sculpture. What did the artist try to explain, reveal, or deny? What were the special techniques? And finally, what do you feel about the particular art piece?

Beloved by everyone is a MOVIE REVIEW. But even though seemingly easy, it also has to be written thoroughly. When writing a movie review, look for something specific. Instead of giving "thumbs up", or "thumbs down", focus on the reasons of your judgment.

To write a PLAY REVIEW, you will need to go to the theater. When writing a play review, identify the genre and major conflict. Every play review focuses on overall production, characters, and the unifying theme. Do not forget to comment on the actors.

Finally, there is an ARTICLE REVIEW. It is your perception of an article read. To write a good article review, make sure you understand the writing you are about to share impressions about. State the research question, hypothesis, findings and their interpretations. Express your personal viewpoint.


  • There are no strict rules as to review writing, for every review is very personal.
  • Whatever type of review, do not start by retelling the story. It is known.
  • Keep in mind that basic information should be given. If you review a book, writer's name and the book title must be stated. If it is a movie, give the title and director.
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